Community Service Log

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Support & Getting Started
Welcome to Community Service Log! Follow these steps to make the most of the app:
Open the app. If you’re new, tap the Register button to create an account.
Existing users can log in with their username and password.
Log Your Service Hours:
On the Home screen, enter your name and select the date you worked.
Describe the work you did and choose the appropriate tag from the dropdown menu.
Enter the number of hours and minutes worked.
Capture Signatures:
Capture your digital signature by tapping the "Capture User Signature" button.
Similarly, capture your supervisor’s signature using the corresponding button.
Both signatures will be saved with your log for verification.
Review & Manage Logs:
Navigate to the Logs screen to view all your entries.
Use the filter dropdown to view logs that are "Selected" or "Unselected."
You can also email individual logs or all logs as a PDF report.
Calendar View:
Use the Calendar screen to see a grid view of your service days.
Days with logged work are marked; if no work is recorded, the screen shows “Nothing Worked On This Day.”
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact me at Enjoy tracking your community service hours!
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